> Masks and protective articles exported by Chinese manufactur

Masks and protective articles exported by Chinese manufactur

时间:2020-03-14     人气:1638     来源:佛山资讯网     作者:admin
概述:With the development of the international epidemic, Italy, Japan, South Korea, the United States and other countries began to strengthen the prevention and control of the epidemic, the global public awareness of epidemic prevention increased, and the......

With the development of the international epidemic, Italy, Japan, South Korea, the United States and other countries began to strengthen the prevention and control of the epidemic, the global public awareness of epidemic prevention increased, and the shortage of masks has become a worldwide problem.

According to incomplete statistics, the price of masks in Japan and South Korea has increased more than six times, and the gap of N95 masks in the United States is about 270 million. Masks in severe epidemic areas are directly out of stock. The overseas market is in a hurry, and the supply of masks is in short supply,

Masks have become the most urgent epidemic prevention materials. At present, our factory (Shenmao Technology) can accept the export of disposable medical masks and protective articles. If you need to find the export, you can contact us.

Business wechat cai30480998 direct manufacturer signs for delivery

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