> 首款氢能共享单车投运丹灶获央视关注


时间:2022-10-29     人气:1319     来源:南海丹灶     作者:













China Clean Energy: Country's first hydrogen energy powered  shared bike rolled  out this month

China is the largest hydrogen producer in the world. And the southern city of Foshan is one of the frontrunners in the industry. This month, China's first hydrogen energy shared bike was rolled out in the city's Danzao Town. Our Cao Chufeng is there to find out more.

I am now riding on China's first hydrogen energy shared bike. And beside me is the general manager of its development company, Mr. Shi Tao.

You don't need much strength to ride such a bike, as it's built with a motor. But, most importantly, it's totally environmental friendly.

SHI TAO, General Manager, Pearl Hydrogen (Foshan) Technology Co., Ltd. "Inside here is a hydrogen storage tank, which is the same one as this green one in my hand. It releases hydrogen into this power box, which will generate electricity and drive the motor. The whole process is zero emission and zero pollution."

As the first of its kind in the Chinese market, developing a hydrogen powered shared bike was not the main hurdle.

SHI TAO, General Manager, Pearl Hydrogen (Foshan) Technology Co., Ltd. "It's not hard for us to make these types of bike. But we want to make a bike that is acceptable for the market, which means limiting costs without compromising reliability, ease of use and environmental applicability."

CAO CHUFENG, Danzao Town, Foshan "This area is much more than just bike-riding friendly. It aims to become the 'Silicon Valley' for hydrogen energy."

This 48 square kilometer area within Danzao Town, Foshan City is called Xianhu Hydrogen Valley. On the streets, you can find hydrogen energy sweeping cars, hydrogen refueling stations, and of course shared bikes. Right now, More than 40 hydrogen related organizations are located here, producing hydrogen-related products and conducting scientific research in the field.

LI ZHONGSHENG, Deputy Mayor, Danzao Town "At present, Xianhu Hydrogen Valley gathers the development of the whole hydrogen energy industry chain. Our goal is to build this place into both a demonstration zone for hydrogen energy and a high-end industrial amalgamation base."

During the recent 20th CPC National Congress, Xi Jinping reiterated China's commitment to green development. And judging from the progress made here in Xianhu Hydrogen Valley, the area is a testament to that belief and is committed to helping the world go green through eco-friendly hydrogen energy. Cao Chufeng, CGTN, Danzao Town, Foshan City.

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