> “穿越”到中国四大古镇之一,佛山!


时间:2021-02-02     人气:5474     来源:中国佛山网     作者:


  Recently, the Foshan Ancient Town Historical Scenery Exhibition Hall has been opened to the public for free.


  During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Foshan Town in Guangdong, Jingdezhen Town in Jiangxi, Hankou Town in Hubei and Zhuxian Town in Henan Province were known as the four ancient towns of China. Foshan, together with Beijing, Hankou and Suzhou, was also known as one of "the four great clusters", which were important commercial center cities at that time.


  As a national historical and cultural city, Foshan has a long history and unique culture. Today, let's take you for a visit.


  The exhibition hall, with a total construction area of about 11,000 square meters, is divided into two floors underground and two floors above ground. Mainly based on the historical development of Foshan ancient town, it contains six exhibition halls with different themes, smelting, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), martial arts, folk culture, commercial culture and ceramic treasures.

  冶铸展厅  Smelting Hall


  To understand the craftsmanship of smelting iron in Foshan ancient town

  中医药展厅 TCM Hall


  To learn the wisdom of Foshan people in the use of traditional Chinese medicine

  武术展厅 Martial arts hall


  To feel the inheritance of martial arts from masters such as Wong Fei-hung, Ip Man and Zhang Yan

  商业文化展厅 Commercial culture hall


  To see the prosperity of business in Foshan since ancient times

  陶艺珍品展厅 Ceramic treasures hall


  To enjoy Shiwan ceramics from the "pottery capital of southern China", which is also known as the best in the world

  民俗文化展厅 Folk culture Hall


  To touch the beautiful meanings of Foshan's local folklore


  Foshan Ancient Town Historical Scenery Exhibition Hall will be built into a historical and cultural exhibition center, a key cultural education base and an important tourist destination of Foshan, so that citizens can appreciate Chancheng with a deep understanding of the rich intangible cultural heritages of Foshan.

  中医药展厅壁画 Wall painting on the TCM Hall

  武术展厅雕塑及木人桩 Sculptures and wooden figureson the Martial Arts Hall


  Address: No. 93, Xianfeng Gudao, Songfeng Road, Chancheng District (to the north of Liang’s Garden)

  参观须知  Visit Notice








  4. 注意事项:参观请全程佩戴口罩。

  1. Time: 9:00-17:00 (no entry after 16:30), closed on Monday and Spring Festival's Eve.

  2. Ticket: Free.

  3. Appointment:

  (1) Individual visitors

  Please fill in your personal information on the "禅博服务" section of the WeChat account of "禅城区博物馆" one day in advance (no more than 3 persons for a single appointment) to make an online appointment and enter the museum with received message.

  (2) Team (10 or more)

  For group visits, please call 0757-82258995 for reservation at least one day in advance.

  4. Tips: Please wear masks during the whole visit


  Besides the exhibition hall,


  you can also pay a close visit to


  Liang’s Garden and


  Shianli Ancient Folk Dwellings Group




  Let’s go!

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